Back in Baja this week with Cat, Dan and Garrett. Of course there is a tropical storm messing things up for us a bit. The weather reports here make the Key West marine forecasts look accurate, and they seem to change hourly.

We have gotten out diving two days in the Pacific both days were not that great overall but I did get a nice pargo the first day. We had pretty good visibility both days but I did not see any of the monster grouper from the year before. The first day we did have good diving for Cat. We saw a school of those Pacific rays that seem to be popular to photograph. I also shot a couple barred pargo to 20#. It was on one of the last ledges of the day I shot my nice pargo. I was sitting on the sand and two pargo came out of the murk up to me. For a second I thought they were small grouper and I hesitated on the shot, but then I realized what they were and I pulled the trigger. My shaft actually stuck in the fish’s spine but it did not spine it, it fought all the way to the surface. Garett also got another smaller pargo off the same ledge.

On the last spot that day the water was dirty and it was around 65 feet deep and when i dove down, there was this roaring sound, it sounded right next to me in the dirty water. Freaked me out, it was whales. It took me like 10 dives to get used to the noise, sometimes it sounded like it was above me, crazy sounds not like in whale sounds cds, sounds more like screaming.

The next trip to the Pacific was slow, we dove a lot but only Dan got a decent grouper, and it was pretty small. I saw only one nice grouper around 60# and I kind of passed on it, thinking there would be bigger ones. There were not. The little grouper I did see ran from me like I was back in key West.